Saturday, December 1, 2007

blogress ...

I'm still working on a banner, but I'm so busy with my book project and attempting to remain sane as the end of the semester draws ever closer, that thing's won't be pretty around here until after December 14th (and then, of course, the might could blog will be competing with the might could Christmas gift making for top priority). But one day, precious few readers who may actually see this, one day.
Despite the construction, there's no reason I need to postpone blogging about all the crafty goodness I've been up to. My compulsive knitting has yeilded me two half-finished christmas gifts (which technically means I've finished an entire christmas gift). I'm knitting my little sister Ann Budd's Tyrolean Stockings. I went cheap and chose some patons classic merino in gold for the job, but it does really show off the cables. I'm also working on the labyrinth scarf from Lynne Barr's Knitting New Scarves. I plan on knitting several patterns from this book; the scarves are deliciously sculptural and evocative.
On the book school front, I've nearly finished two of the four complex leather bindings I have to turn in before then end of the semester, and I'm over halfway done with my book. I'm actually in the middle of my final papermaking spree right now -- an edition of overbeaten flax, linen, and cotton that will be my endsheets. When it's dry I'll post pics.
I have hopes for this blog. I'd like to use it as a place to write about my arting and my crafting, but I'd also like to provide tutorials and links to interesting art and craft sites. In that spirit, I'll end with a link to Aimee Lee's website. She's a recent graduate from the Columbia College Book Arts program, and her work with hadmade paper is fantastic. Check it out!

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